How you can help

Sponsor or volunteer

Support The Vanisha Foundation by sponsoring, donating or volunteering your time. If you are interested in sponsoring or volunteering for our foundation, please complete the form in the contact us section of this website.

Where do I direct my donation?

You can make a donation to The Vanisha Foundation by:

  1. Donating directly to The Vanisha Foundation. A tax receipt will be issued for a minimum donation of $20.
  2. Donating through the United Way - providing you designate specifically that the donated dollars are to go to The Vanisha Foundation, the United Way will send you a tax receipt and forward the donation to The Vanisha Foundation. We will acknowledge your gift with our letter as well.
  3. Donations made by VISA or Mastercard may be made on-line through our Donation Form (coming soon).

Please mail all donations made by cheque to:

The Vanisha Foundation
5965 Fraser Street
P.O.Box 60001, RPO
Vancouver, BC
V5W 4B5

Charitable Registration #86370 6727 RR0001

Thank You for donating to our cause: Helping children smile at a time.